Be alerted before a bad buzz

Alerts are triggered automatically regardless of the type of risk:

  • Known risks: delays, accidents, strikes, bad weather... So many recurring crisogenic situations that can turn into bad buzz on social networks. Visibrain makes it possible to define these terms as sensitive and to be alerted in real time as soon as there is a significant number of messages containing them
  • Unknown risks: On the web, a seemingly insignificant detail can very quickly lead to a crisis. To anticipate these unforeseen risks, the SNCF has set up a series of alerts based on precise criteria such as the virality of a post or the size of the sender's audience

  • The right alert, to the right person, on the right channel: several lists of recipients have been defined by the SNCF depending on the level of seriousness of the alerting. Note that the channel for receiving alerts can be customised to suit everyone's habits (email, SMS, Telegram, Slack, Teams...)


Monitoring crises

As soon as a crisis emerges, the SNCF uses Visibrain with the aim of:

  • Measure the scale of the crisis based on precise KPIs: number of messages published, volume of engagement, semantics, most relayed posts... These are all quantitative and qualitative indicators enabling SNCF to assess the seriousness of the crisis, and to identify any passenger concerns or fake news that might be resonating online
  • Understanding who is fuelling the crisis: in the event of bad buzz, you can quickly get drowned out by the mass of posts published. To make things clearer, the SNCF is segmenting messages on the Visibrain platform according to the different stakeholders: media, journalists, political figures or users


Sharing information with your hierarchy

In times of crisis, relaying information is THE No. 1 reflex to adopt to align all teams. The SNCF shares Visibrain reports containing key indicators with everyone involved at different intervals (first moments, H+1, H+2, D+1...). As a result, all the decision-makers can monitor developments in the situation and make their decisions in full awareness.

At a glance, Visibrain's automatic reports therefore make it possible to:

  • Measure the seriousness of the buzz
  • Defining whether or not there is a crisis

  • Taking a step back 
  • Adapting your response


To sum up: the SNCF's Social Media and E-Reputation teams are using Visibrain to understand the conversations around their brand and the railway world, to share information internally, and to make the right decisions in the event of a crisis.